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All You Need To know about Bongs!
What do you know about bongs? Except for "it is a glass piece which is used for smoking tobacco!" Bongs are much more than that and it definitely values much more than that,Let's Start with the basics first!What's a bong? A bong is a glass pipe which is generally used to smoke substance mainly herb and tobacco. A bong is filled with water which cools the smoke as it passes through! The bong was invented several thousand years ago in the middle east for smoking tobacco. A bong is definitely the most preferred method of smoking herb for many people because it drives the smoke deeper into the user's lungs faster than any other method, thus exposing more of the mucous membranes to smokes, thus getting the user much higher using less herb! What's a bong made of? A bong is made up of lots of materials which is impermeable to both air and water! Generally, Bongs are made up of Glass, Acrylic and ceramic material. What does a bong generally consist?The most basic of the bong generally consist of Flared Mouthpiece, chamber, stem or bowl! But new bongs are coming with a lot of things including percolator ice catcher and much more. Percolator helps to diffuse the smoke making it much more smoother and less harsh for the throat and on the other end if it contains ice catcher then it is definitely a piece you should go for, as the ice catcher will cool down the smoke which will be making it cooler and less harsh for the throat. The Functionality Of the bong?Bong is definitely very elegant in most functional and non-functional ways! whereas functional ways Including attaching addition of percolator (It allows further filtration of the smoke) Multiple bowls (It allows two people to smoke at the same time). How are percolators made and are attached to the bongs?Internal percolators, filters inside of the bong, it is generally made up of same glass pieces as of the bong, this is the part where glassblowers specifically show their talent, creating an intriguing internal structure for the smoke to filter and cool through. These percolators are put inside the body and/or neck and then the glass is welded to it using a torch. Any extra glass is pulled off in order to ensure that the product is smooth and even once it’s all put together.The neck is then reattached to the base if necessary by using a spinning machine (known as a lathe) that keeps the glass pieces steady and even as they are heated and joined. In order to make the bottom of the bong flat, some glassblowers use a lapping wheel, which rotates a water-lubricated abrasive wheel (often coated with diamonds) that flattens the glass.After everything is done the neck is attached and the glass piece is put into an annealer, which helps to remove the heat stress put on the glass during the blowing process if this isn't done bongs are more likely to break under pressure even in the smallest of change in climate, which obviously no one would want.Now since you know so much about bongs, you also definitely know a place where to Buy bongs online from?

Where to find affordable bongs in the best price?
When people think of cheap bongs they make an Image in their conscious of a small bong, from a local Pan Store which is of 4-5 Inches, Breaks easily and looks horrendous and it is quite normal to think of it like that, because that is exactly what was portrayed and that is exactly what is sold in the Indian Bong Market both online and offline, the other vendors are selling low-quality bongs on a high price. But you don’t have to worry, We are here to change the game, With the rapid change in technology and increase in skilled working glass makers OutonTrip is making it easy to get high-quality bongs.
1 – OutonTrip 8 Inch Black Ice Percolator Bong - The Height of the bong is 20 cm/8 In made up of high-quality thick borosilicate glass and comes with a thick black glass, extra rimmed, mouthpiece. Btw You know the best part about this bongs?It comes with a cross line percolator and a perfect Ice Catcher which is perfectly fitted in the bong and is made up to diffuse the smoke and the ice catcher in this bong is there to make the smoke smoother and to give a higher hit than any normal bong. This bong only costs Rs 459 which makes it a perfect pocket-friendly for every stoner present out there. Get 8 Inch Ice Percolator bong from here!
2- Outontrip Classic transparent conical 6-inch glass bong –
The height of the bong is 6 Inches comes with a bent necked design! Low in Price, comes in handy and it definitely provides the best water filtered experience out there in this category. The best part about is it comes with a very affordable price and it is extra suitable for everyone who is curious about hoe bong smoking pleasantly works. Get classic Conical 6 Inch Bong From here! 3 – OutonTrip 12 Inch Glass Bong with Ice Catcher –
The Height of the bong is 12 Inches, Comes with an aesthetic leaf print design and flared mouthpiece and removable downstem!You know what the leaf print design and the fact that it comes with an ice catcher and the height of the bongs makes it one of the top-selling bongs in our collection, it is made up of clear glass design which allows the users to watch the vapors percolate, this bong also comes with an ice chamber you can Put ice cubes in the bong which will make your smoke cooler and smoother for bigger hits. This bong costs only Rs 599 makes it a perfect piece in the category of 12-inch bongs. Get 12 Inch Glass bong with Ice Catcher from here!
4 – OutonTrip 12 Inch Solid Coloured Bong with removable downstem - The height of the bong is 12 Inches comes in a cylindrical shape with silicone blue design which gives it a unique and aesthetic look, this bongs completely stands out in your glass piece collection! The things which make it unique is its cylindrical design, solid blue color and the feature that it comes with a removable downstem which makes the cleaning process of the bong very easier which a big YES! YES! For any bong present out there.This Bong costs only Rs 649 and we can assure you it is worth every single penny of it. Get 12 Inch Solid Colour Bong from here! 5 – OutonTrip 8 Inch Themed Glass Bong with barrel Percolator - The height of the bong is 8 inches comes with a pyramid base and barrel percolator which give it a keen look, the base and the mouth of the bong are of themed green color which makes it look perfectly exquisite and elegant. The bong contains a bent necked pipe which definitely comes in handy when you are lighting up the herbs as in straight piece which is there without vertical downstem it becomes difficult to lit up the herb and smoke at the same time. The bong Costs Rs 799 which makes it Get 8 Inch Themed color bong from here!

Screen Pipes and its uses!
The question which often arises and it also seems to be a pretty legit one, Why to Use a Pipe Screen?
As you know before going into why of anything we always start with the what of anything! So same is the case with this too! Let’s understand what pipe screens are –
What are screen pipes? Pipe screen is made up of brass or silver which are generally used as an ash catcher for your smoke sessions, generally these screen pipes are for one time use only or mostly two as the as generally these smoking screens cannot withstand too much of heat and they eventually get burned from the center and if they don’t get burned you can be pretty sure that it will catch Tar as there are small holes in the screen whose sole purpose is to protect your glass pipes from ash! Pipe screen would also prevent your glass piece/glass pipe from the remains of tar. What are the uses of screen pipes? You are having a good smoke session and suddenly everything spoils down! Why? Because there is a mouthful amount of burnt ash landing on your mouth, which makes your entire smoke session a bad experience! You don’t want that do you? This is where the screen pipes come into the play Screen pipes will protect your smoke session as this is what screen pipes are made for, You have to tuck those screen pipes into the empty bowls so that the screen pipe gets conforms to the shape of the glass piece/glass pipes, It will protect your mouth from the unwanted ash and will also protect your glass piece from getting blocked with the tar, that will protect your pipe in the longer run and screen pipes are very affordable and easy to use, so it is generally beneficial to buy a pack of 10, 20, 40 or 50 (Since the screen pipes are cheaper anyway) Different types of screen Pipes? There are the various different type of screen pipes available in the market, some people also try to make their own screen pipes by poking holes into foil paper using a toothpick and we are pretty sure that is not the smart way to use it as you are also smoking the heated aluminum of the foil paper!Which makes it quite stupid and dangerous to use at the same time. In general, There are a different type of screen pipes available in the market like 1 – The Detachable one – These smoking pipes come of 10mm and 15mm they are detachable and quite cheap which makes it suitable for Your Bong or Glass pipe as a couple of bucks are saving hundreds and thousands of bucks from your pocket which you spent on your expensive Glass pieces and glass pipes 2- The Fixed one - Some smoking pipes also comes with the fixed smoking screen you can’t dispose of them that easily buy it can be detached and another screen can be fitted in the pipe makes it convenient to use as you don’t have to change the screen every now and then. 3- Built-in in the shooter/downstem- There are also various shooters and downstem available which comes in with the built-in screen which makes it amazing and perfect to use, but it is hard to find that kind of thing in the Indian Bong market. So now You know what does Screen Filters do, How is it Used and what are various different types of it and you also know where to get it from don’ t you?

Different types of percolators!
In The Indian Bong market, the biggest question that is going on right now is to perc or not to perc! Percolators are a very difficult word for one to understand, So we thought of breaking down what does percolator mean and what does percolator do.

Joints Vs Bongs!
The Biggest Debate in the Indian Hippie community is always of which is better Joint Or Bong! Joint is made with the help Of Rolling Paper and Tips or roaches whatever you want to call them, whereas on the Other Hand Bongs are made of Glass and the Dry Herb is smoked using a thing called Downstem which is one of the various accessories which are used in Bongs. We at OutonTrip would love to settle down this debate once and for all by the detailed breakdown of Joints and bongs, So let’s get started1– Joints-
So, Firstly let’s get started with One of the most loved thing by the community itself, That is the Joint!(A) – What Are Joints Made Of?So, Joints are basically a combination of rolling paper and the roach or tips (Whatever you want to call it) (B) – Are their any different type of joints?Yes, So joints are basically made of rolling paper and tip/roaches and both rolling paper and tips come fo different types, there are Flavored rolling paper, UnBleached rolling paper, Hemp rolling paper, Transparent rolling paper and much more. On the other hand Tips/Roaches also comes of different sizes altogether, One is the normal roach pad other ones are the wide roach pads.(C) – Do Joints Comes with different sizes all-together?Yes, So Rolling papers do comes in various different sizes which is Single-wide ( A bit shorter than a normal Cigg), ½ Size Which is one of the most preferable size for the people who loves to roll small, 1 ¼ size which is a size of a normal ciggi, King Size which is also the standard size of most of the rolling papers around the world! Then, we have king size slim which is definitely one of the most preferred sizes in whole of the world and the thing which makes king size different from king size slim is the thinness of the rolling paper king size paper is thicker compared to king size slim and last but definitely not the least is Super *wait for it* fuckin* Natural paper which is of 12 Inches, and is also Mia Khalifa’s Favorite size *Winks*(D) – How is A joint different than the bong?So, Joints are on a whole different ball game than the bong, so one of the major specification in a joint is of the heat of the smoke which is because of the dry herb that you are burning, that makes a joint RIP bit harsher and very hot for the person which is not the case with the bong as it contains water which is there specifically to cool down the smoke and the other major difference is of the amount of the herb that you want to smoke you can decide the amount of the herb that you want is your joint because of the different sizes of the paper you have which is not the case with Bongs. 2– Bongs-Bongs are one of the most favorite glass pieces of every other hippie who loves a chill, relaxed, smooth and overall a much higher Experience when it comes to smoking!
(A)- What are bongs made of?So, In general Bongs are classified as Glass Bongs, Ceramic Bongs, and Acrylic Bongs, and in all together Glass Bongs are the one leading the way! People love Glass bongs because of its simplicity and its different designs which are quite difficult to find in other types of Bongs.(B)- Are There any different types of bongs?So, Bongs comes in various different types and shapes which is one of the most basic specifications of a bong. All together you will find various varieties which is the same Glass, Acrylic and Ceramic bongs. In Glass bongs you will find various different types of it like the Beaker Base Bong, Cylindrical shape bongs, Straight Tube Bongs, Honeycomb and the percolators which itself comes in lots of different types like the Oil Percolators, Ice percolators, Tree percolator, Turbine percolators, Honeycomb percolators, Coil Percolators, Inset Percolators and Much more (We will need a day if we start counting)(C) Do Bongs Come in different sizes altogether?Yes, bongs come in various different size, there are mini pocket bongs with an average height of 4 and 5 inches which is portable easy to carry comparatively and definitely a little less expensive. Then we have Normal bongs with an average height of 8 to 10 inches which is of different types that are it contains percolators and ice catchers with them and also the bubblers which are normal pipes with different shape and percolators installed inside them.Then we also have 12 inches to 16 inches of the bong which makes the ball game of bongs completely different these bongs comes with percolators and showers installed with it that makes the bongs nothing less than a Precious glass piece that you would love to gift to any of your close mates out there.(D) How is a Bong different from joint?Bongs are on a whole different level when it comes to smoking as bongs contains water in it be it the mini pocket bongs or 16 inch long percolators, The water in the bong cools down the temperature of the smoke which allows you to take a much bigger hits than of a joint and with the percolators the bong game has reached to a whole different level you can place crushed ice on your bongs which will give you a much smoother and cooler hits than the normal piece and will give you the best smoking experience of your life.

“Raw, Elements or Juicy? What would you prefer?”
Rolling papers are like your favorite dessert, it comes with amazing varieties, huge numbers and each brand has their own specialty. But the three most popular brand with rolling papers are Raw, Elements and the juicy jays and there is always been a tussle between these Three. So let’s look at and explore what these 3 are made up of and how are they different and special in its own way!
Raw Rolling paper –
Raw Rolling papers are like Shah Rukh Khan (Both are kings in their field of work). Raw believes in selling only natural rolling paper for the cleanest smoke one can get. Raw is pure, less processed rolling papers, unlike anything that you have ever seen or smoked. Because they contain a hybrid blend of unbleached (not chlorine whitened) fibers, the paper is a translucent natural light brown color. RAW is so thin that you can see through it.Raw Rolling paper Uniqueness is that it comes in different sizes and with different quirky accessories like Rolling machines, Raw Trident and much more. Raw is here for a complete revolution and they are doing extremely well in it.
Elements rolling paper –
Elements rolling papers are like Hrithik Roshan (Both are charming, Handsome and loveable) of the smoking world. Elements rolling paper high-quality rolling paper made up of rice and sugar and it is really-really thin!Generally, people love to smoke without any ashes and elements paper provide that to their customers (except for that one the thin line of residue left incidentally from the Acacia gum carmelizing.) maybe that’s what makes them a leading light in the world of high-quality smoking products. Elements paper also ensures that each product passes their test of high standard quality checks also it doesn’t have that strong paper taste that other papers carry. All we can say is Elements do know how to shake a smoking fan to the core.
Juicy jay rolling paper is the perfect papers to jazz up the mood for the night and the thing that makes them so good is that these flavored paper rolls are the fruitiest rolls out there.Juicy jay papers basically use a soy-based ink that gives the paper an attractive and vibrant feel. Juicy jays are the ones to go for if you are looking to try out something extremely good and different and the best part is juicy jays comes with unorthodox flavored rolling papers like watermelon, Kiwi (My personal favorite) Bananas and much more.Now you know about the Alpha, Beta and Gama of the rolling paper, and you also know about the perfect pitch spot for it right?

Rolling Papers V/s Bongs!
Rolling Paper or Bongs, this is the most heavily debated thing amongst the smoker community! So here, we will be digging deeper to find out more about which is better Rolling papers or Bongs?
Bongs –
Let’s admit it, when we get into the groove of smoking we all think of a better way to increase the experience of the Herb. Now, Bongs plays a very important role here as A Bong Rip is definitely much better than that of joint, basically the smoke in bong passes through the water before you hit it which makes it go easy on your lungs and gets you a bigger hit. But bongs can be difficult to handle especially for beginners as too much smoke needs to be inhaled in one go.Bongs are also difficult to move and are very less flexible compared to rolling papers until and unless it's a mini pocket bong which is also difficult to hide. So where discretion is required the bongs don’t go in handy. But if you are home alone and your bae is out of town and you need someone to have a perfect time to chill and relax Bongs will never disappoint you!You take a hit, You grab some munchies, You make love with it, Bong will do anything to make your night perfect! *Winks*
Rolling papers –
The Plain old paper is still everyone’s favorite when it comes to smoking herb. Rolling paper has evolved a lot in these past year from natural hemp papers to flavored rolling papers. But one thing that didn’t change is everybody’s love for rolling paper. The smoking experience in the rolling paper is a matter of personal preference joints are bit harsher than Bongs when it comes to smoke.But joints are easy to carry and easy to try out for beginners. The ones who are new to smoking can’t even go for a bong rip as it is too deep and intense compared to Rolling papers.Rolling papers gives you the power to use it in any way possible and anywhere possible. You can use Rolling papers to roll a cross joint, a breaded joint or anything like that. Also, rolling papers are easy to carry and hide as compared to bongs
The health part –
Bongs are the favorites when it comes to what is healthy for you as there is a belief that the water filters out the bad and only good are left in it.Well, Not exactly. A study by MAPS and California NORML shows that the bongs filter out more THC than the Tar in it that makes us smoke more to acquire the same level of high as of a joint.But, There is also a chance that the water might filter out harmful gasses like carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide which both naturally occurs in the smoke. So there’s no clear-cut winner on which is better. In the end. It doesn’t even matter (I am a big Linkin Park fan) It all boils down to personal preference I Say. So if that’s the case why don’t you check out the uber cool Bongs and rolling papers and its accessories from everyone’s favorite trip Spot!

Beginners Guide to Rolling papers
The choices we make is said affects our lives directly or indirectly. We must be careful in trying things we have absolutely minimal or no idea about. Same Goes for Rolling papers, Many people don't know where to start when choosing Rolling Papers
So here are the best rolling papers to try out if you a beginner –
10. ZEN –
Zen papers are all natural top quality rolling papers with awesome smooth flavor, perfect burn time and resilience of the paper. Zen papers have a thin line watermark, which is an innovative design from Zen to provide you clean and an even Burn
9. DLX –
Dlx rolling papers are said to be perfectly designed for the modern day smokers.Dlx rolling papers are made of craft blend of High-quality natural materials and uses the pure acacia gum and is completely chemical free while the Dlx 84mm is the world’s first 84mm rolling paper which is of the same size as a real cigarette this extra length compliments it to provide you a perfect and enjoyable smoke
Chills rolling papers are the premium hemp rolling papers which will be perfect for you if you like ultra thin papers which gives you a smooth burn.So let's do it the chills way and roll like a rock star and Smoke with chills.
Laramie rolling papers should be your ideal choice for lightweight hemp rolling papers. Laramie is like ménage name in the rolling community featured on Tv Shows like Simpson and Video games it won’t disappoint you as it has been carefully crafted to your choice of tobacco with a slow and even burn.
6. BOB MARLEY – Bob Marley rolling papers are a licensed by Bob Marley and one of the best rolling paper available in the industry. These papers come with 15 Different design and 10 different quotations. Bob Marley rolling papers allows you to roll with the legend. These papers are tree free and feature a Pure hemp, 100% natural consumption
5. TRIP2 – Trip2 is like the Classy Irfan Khan of the rolling paper industry. Classy, Active and Simple. Trip2 are the perfect rolling papers for the first-timers.Trip2 have the best transparent rolling papers in the market. It’s amazingly popular among smokers its cellulose material keeps it from getting affected by moisture it burns slowly, Minimizes waste and provides a nice and even burn.
4. LUXE – Luxe is known as the world’s first company to make a fully printed luxurious rolling paper. Since 2015 it is seemed to have taken the Rolling paper industry by a storm. Luxe is also known for is Clear as Crystal Luxe Glass clear rolling paper made from 100% plant cellulose which provides you a Slow, Healthy and transparent Smoking experience
3. JUICY JAYS – Juicy jays are like the Ranveer Singh of the rolling paper world, Quirky, Odd, and Loveable. Juicy jays are the ones to go for if you are looking to try out something different. It comes with Unorthodox Flavored Rolling papers like Watermelon, Kiwi, Chocolate, Bananas and much more. Juicy Jays are the one to go for If you love Ranveer Singh (Not Really you can also not love him and enjoy the Jays)
Elements rolling paper Prides itself of being by Rice and sugar. They claim to be the best rolling paper known to man. Elements are known for its ultra-slow burn and for being really-really thin.
Elements rolling paper burns with almost Zero ash except for Caramels which is also created as the sugar gum burns.
1. RAW ROLLING PAPERS – Raw Rolling papers are the alpha the omega when it comes to rolling papers, They sell all Natural rolling papers for the cleanest and best smoke for a beginner to try out and believe us once you are up for RAW it's pretty difficult to part your way with it. Even artists like Rihana and Wiz Khalifa loves Raw.
So Now You know All about Rolling papers brands! And you also know the perfect Stop from where you can Buy all these Trippy Rolling papers! (Right?)

'Sandwich Etiquette everyone should be aware of'
‘Etiquettes defines the personality of a person!’
We all have heard this countless time and we all know it’s absolutely true. The Same thing applies to the smokers, Smoking etiquettes are a thing now. There are a certain sect of ‘Joint Rule of conduct’ that every smoker should be aware of. Here is the list of certain etiquettes/Rules which will keep you Joint (Pun alert) with your smoking group –
1 – One who rolled will be the one to light -
This is the most basic etiquette that every smoker should be aware of, one who rolled the joint will be the one to light it and the one to take hit it first. There are no ifs and buts with this one, this is like a Preamble of ‘Joint rule of conduct’
2 – Puff, Puff, and Pass!
This is the second most fundamental rule of smoking you always take two Puffs and Pass the thing. It shouldn’t be like Puff, Puff, Puff, Puff, Puff, Puff and Pass until and unless you are with a group of close friends.
3 – Always Respect your Senior –
Learn to respect your seniors, maybe your rolling skills are good but there might be someone whose are excellent, you always give chance to your seniors, because that way everyone in the group will be able to enjoy the Joint.
But that doesn’t mean you should stop practicing maybe one day you will be the most experienced roller available.
4 – No Peer Pressure –
If someone is present in your group who is a non-smoker then you should not pressurize him to take a hit, Let them be. Also if someone doesn’t want to take another hit, you don’t force them into it. Smoking is all about having a fun time with your friends and pressuring someone does spoil the mood and nobody wants that!
5 – Bonus Tip –
It’s always good to have Good Quality of Rolling papers and accessories with yourself and you know which ‘Trip’ Spot to visit for that! Right?