What is OCB Rolling Paper?
OCB is one of the big brands in the smoking industry, known and smoked by all. The organic OCB rolling paper is famous all over the world. Well, if we talk about OCB in India, then it's not the same as around the world. In India, people call the rolling paper as OCB paper; a lot of smokers are unaware of the fact that OCB is a brand, not the name of the rolling paper.
People in India know that OCB is the paper that is used to roll tobacco or the herbs, but not the fact that it is a brand of rolling paper. Moreover, the OCB rolling paper that we get in India is not as same as in other European countries. OCB in India is imported from China that is generally made up of chalk, ammonia, animal tissue, etc. Smoking this paper is no way a good option to smoke; it ends up in giving bad smoking experience with a harmful effect on the environment.
Are OCB Rolling Paper good?
OCB rolling paper is one of the renowned smoking papers in the world with a variety of papers and material they are made up of, also known as 100% Natural rolling paper that gives natural smoking experience.
Well, if we talk about OCB brand rolling paper in India, then here is the harsh truth about it. OCB in India is not as same as you get in other European countries, which is made of hemp or natural materials but is made up of harmful substances like animal tender, chalk, ammonia dye, etc. in which no way a good paper for smoking.
All the OCB paper in India is imported from China and not from European countries, which are made up of unwanted harmful substances that not just give a bad smoking experience but are also bad for the environment.
Is OCB Rolling Paper legal in India?
India is a land of controversies, and the ban on your favorite herb (marijuana/weed) is one of them. People in our country are generally confused when talking about the legalization of marijuana. It is so unclear that what is legal and what not and where.
A lot of people even have a question, that if the marijuana is illegal, then how come people in small panwadi's and headshop sell OCB rolling papers openly.
Well, let us make this clear OCB rolling papers in India are legal, which is why people sell them so openly in small pan shops and online websites. The Indian smoking community is becoming more conscious about their smoking, and it's experience. They are taking a step forward to better smoking and becoming more enthusiastic about rolling their own roll. Thus, these legal cigarette OCB rolling papers gives the freedom to every smoker to roll themselves a perfect cigarette roll whenever needed.
Insight: A lot of people think that OCB is what rolling paper is called, but OCB is a brand, and rolling paper is known as cigarette rolling paper, joint rolling paper, smoking paper, rolling paper, etc.
How many papers are in OCB pack?
Smoking Industry holds a variety of smoking accessories. Different brands offer different types of rolling papers, sizes, and materials. OCB is one of the known brands that offer organic rolling papers with different sizes and packs. The pack of rolling papers contains n-number of sheets, specially customized for various smoking enthusiasts with packages starting from 32 leaves to 50 leaves in a pack. Each pack is specially designed for smokers, smaller packs for anyone and everyone, and extra sheets for those others who can't stay away from their favorite herbs.
Best Flavored Rolling Papers?
Flavored Rolling paper is like the latest trend among the smoke lovers who enjoy experimenting and trying new different things with their smoke. Well, Juicy Jay is the one big hotshot in the market if we talk about flavored rolling papers. The brand has a huge variety of flavored papers that includes different fruity flavors and whatnot, it's like you name the fruit of your choice, and they have the flavor. The only flavored rolling paper that you'll enjoy smoking with your favorite herbs.
Can we taste Flavored Rolling Papers?
Flavored Rolling paper is the new trend among the smoking enthusiasts who enjoy experimenting with their smoke. The first-ever flavored rolling paper was introduced by Rizla, one of the oldest smoking accessory brand, but with changing times, Juicy Jay took over the huge market of flavored rolling papers. People always question can they taste the rolling paper; well, the flavor of the paper is a little tricky one because one can't taste it but can definitely feel the essence of the flavor on their lips while smoking.
What are Clear Rolling Papers?
With the variety of Rolling Paper in the market, one of the most known once is Clear Rolling Paper. These Transparent rolling papers are made up of cellulose and asciatic cotton mallow, which are also known to be as tree-free rolling papers. The rolling paper is naturally clear and transparent, which allows you to enhance the inner beauty of that beautifully rolled joint with your favorite herbs.
The clear cigarette rolling paper is a choice of several smokers who enjoy experimenting with their smoke. The rolling paper has no taste, thus a pure smoke with longer durability.
Are Clear Rolling Papers healthy?
Smoking can never be healthy, but smoking out of natural and organic rolling paper is much better than smoking anything that is available. Any smoke that goes straight to your lungs is harmful, but it's much better to be a conscious smoker, Right? Transparent rolling papers are see-through with which a stoner can see inside their joint while they smoke. These clear rolling papers are made up of cellulose or asciatic mallow cotton, which is supposed to be 80% plant cellulose, 14% glycerine, and 6% water. Smokers worry about burning glycerine as it releases toxic fumes, but it's slightly unclear of any adverse effect while smoking clear cellulose paper, but one can smoke them occasionally.
Is it safe to smoke transparent or cellulose rolling paper?
No cigarette or rolling paper is safe to smoke, as any smoke going straight down to our lungs is harmful. It's better to do conscious smoking than smoking with anything available. Transparent or clear rolling papers available in the market are made up of cellulose or asciatic mallow cotton, which is supposed to be 80% plant cellulose, 14% glycerine, and 6% water. Smokers worry about burning glycerine as it releases toxic fumes. Well, it's slightly unclear of any adverse effect while smoking clear cellulose paper, but one can smoke them occasionally.
Can you die if you smoke paper?
Do you know a lot of people who run out of cigarette rolling paper roll their tobacco in paper or ATM Receipts. Well, yes a there are smokers between us who tend to roll in any kind of paper. Inhaling any kind of smoke is unhealthy, but smoking tobacco with inked paper or other chemically treated paper is hazardous. Well, the chances of dying by smoking from a paper are too less, but in the long run, it can create lung problems that might lead you somewhere.