
An easy 6 step guide for beginners on how to smoke using a bong.
A 6 step guide to smoking bongs |
We love bongs here at OutOnTrip . It’s the smoothest, cleanest smoke out there, not to mention it looks awesome when you’re doing it. It is also the most elemental way to smoke which is why you should always have a bong lying around. If you already got one and are a bit confused about how to use it, here’s 6 easy steps to use a bong effectively.
A bong typically consists of 5 elements – The bowl for your product, the downstem for the air and smoke to flow into the bong, the rounded area at the bottom for the water and the chamber above to inhale the smoke. The fifth? Your lighter of course. Now that we’ve got some technicalities out of the way, let’s get started.
Step 1 – Fill her up!
Fill the bong with clean water till the level is just above the downstem. Don’t use too much water, it doesn’t help your smoke and just adds moisture to it. The temperature of the water is completely up to your preference so experiment to find out what suits you best. Step 1 was darn easy wasn’t it? Well the rest of this is not going to be rocket science either so read on.
Step 2 – Pack in the grass
Pack the product in to the bowl. Now take care to not overstuff the bowl, keep the packing light and airy so that the smoke can flow through the stuff into the downstem easily. Maintaining airflow is the most crucial element of bong smoking. Pack it such that the herb does not slip into the stem, which would ruin the whole experience.
Step 3 – Kiss it like you would a lover
Hold the bong firmly by the neck (don’t throttle it, just don’t let it slip). Place your lips inside the opening above the neck and not on the outside. Placing your lips will not get slobber and saliva all over the outside and also creates an airtight seal which will naturally drive the smoke to your mouth when you inhale. Bongs are meant to be shared, so this is not only practical, but also good etiquette to follow.
Step 4 – Breathing exercises
When you’re ready, use your other hand to light up the herb and simultaneously start inhaling so that you pull the smoke into the chamber. Don’t start huffing and puffing like the wolf, you should not get winded when doing this. Inhale slowly and steadily and watch as the bowl fills up with smoke. This is the part where it starts to look good too, so keep your eyes peeled.
Step 5 – Tripping yet?
Now this is the crucial bit to get the full bong experience. Remove the bowl from the downstem while inhaling deeply. The fresh air will drive the smoke up through the chamber and into your lungs. Exhale immediately and with style to feel like a badass, then put the bowl back in the downstem and pass it on. Once lit, the product will continue to smoke for a while so you need only light it up again once it goes out.
Step 6 – Clean up
Once you’re done with your smoke, remember to keep your bong clean for future use. No one wants to smoke up with the lingering feeling of unwashed bongs in their mind, or worse, their mouths. Pick out any remaining dregs or ash from the bowl and downstem, clean the bong thoroughly with water, wipe the outside and store it for the next trip.
Now that you know how to use a bong, why not get a trippy one which will make the experience really interesting? Check out some cool bong designs at OutOnTrip.

Can you imagine how relaxed it is to become high without the pain in your throat? Smoking cannabis is to relax your body and mind, so stop torturing yourself Ice Bong is here...
Ice Bong vs. Regular Bong Can you imagine how relaxed it is to become high without the pain in your throat? Smoking cannabis is to relax your body and mind, so stop torturing yourself ‘Ice Bong’ is here...
What is the basic difference between Ice Bong and Regular Bong?
Actually it is very simple, regular bongs and ice bongs do not differ a lot from each other. In ice bongs you will find bulges in the tube, whereas there are no bulges in the regular bongs. These bulges are known as the ice catchers to make sure that the ice cubes do not fall into the main chamber of the bong.
Ice Cubes in the regular bong blocks the airway, smoke in ice bong is much more chilled and filtered as compare to the regular bongs. If there is ice in the tube of your bong then the smoke will take long time cool off.
Colder smoke allows you to take smoother hits and more importantly bigger hits. The bigger the hit, the more stoned you become. That too without troubling your throat, perhaps ice bong is a must for everyone.
What exactly happens is when the hot smoke passes over the ice cubes in the bong the ice melts into smoke and goes straight to your lungs. The ice catcher in the bong cools the smoke before you inhale it. Though it is said that inhaling a ton of water vapour from the ice cubes can lead to severe bronchitis and lung problem, as inhaling too much of water vapour isn’t good for your lungs. There are certainly healthier ways to get high, but then we all know when a new term is coined among the naive people they come up with their own notions and belief. Every aspect comes with two phases positive and negative, it is upto us what we want to believe in.

Most Cannabis aficionados would tell you, the high you get from smoking pot using a bong is probably unlike anything else. Some sources suggest that the first bongs were crafted in China in the 15th century, whereas some recent findings say Africa is wher
Most Cannabis aficionados would tell you, the high you get from smoking pot using a bong is probably unlike anything else.Some sources suggest that the first bongs were crafted in China in the 15th century, whereas some recent findings say Africa is where it happened. From basic arrangements like making vessels out of bamboo shoots, it has been quite the journey, and much like its close cousin the Hookah, the Bong has stood the test of time. The whole functioning is based on the smoke in the stem getting filtered through water kept in the base, and inhaling the resultant vapours. Simple yet extremely effective, it is easily the most favourite mode of smoking up around the world.The earliest bongs dating to Africa were in the form of water pipes that gradually came to the Arabian Peninsula, before which the Arabs were probably consuming Cannabis through other means. The water pipes in this era were constructed in such a way that the bowl on the top was connected to the water chamber at the bottom by a tube, and the mouthpiece on the side.Yes, pretty much like your regular hookahs, minus the hose of course. The bongs used by the Chinese were fashioned out of proper bronze utensils, decorated using jewels, finding a place of pride in the courthouses and in the upper society households alike. The Americans and Europeans in the 19th Century gave it their own spin by making ceramic bongs, and by the turn of the century designing bongs has become an industry of its own.The fact that the smoke that comes through a bong is far cooler and cleaner made it preferable for smoking up, although their portability is always a problem, something that has kept other modes in the business.The bongs available in the market are of various types. Acrylic and wooden bongs are considerably cheaper and much more durable and less cumbersome, although with time they may influence the taste and the odour. Not to forget, a bitch to clean. Glass bongs are expensive, difficult to maintain, but the mark of a true Cannabis enthusiast, usually for the ones who’ve graduated to the big league of stoners, ones who smoke up not to impress, but to learn more about the world and themselves, every single time.