Can you imagine how relaxed it is to become high without the pain in your throat? Smoking cannabis is to relax your body and mind, so stop torturing yourself Ice Bong is here...
Ice Bong vs. Regular Bong
Can you imagine how relaxed it is to become high without the pain in your throat? Smoking cannabis is to relax your body and mind, so stop torturing yourself ‘Ice Bong’ is here...
Actually it is very simple, regular bongs and ice bongs do not differ a lot from each other. In ice bongs you will find bulges in the tube, whereas there are no bulges in the regular bongs. These bulges are known as the ice catchers to make sure that the ice cubes do not fall into the main chamber of the bong.
- Ice Cubes in the regular bong blocks the airway, smoke in ice bong is much more chilled and filtered as compare to the regular bongs. If there is ice in the tube of your bong then the smoke will take long time cool off.
- Colder smoke allows you to take smoother hits and more importantly bigger hits. The bigger the hit, the more stoned you become. That too without troubling your throat, perhaps ice bong is a must for everyone.
What exactly happens is when the hot smoke passes over the ice cubes in the bong the ice melts into smoke and goes straight to your lungs. The ice catcher in the bong cools the smoke before you inhale it. Though it is said that inhaling a ton of water vapour from the ice cubes can lead to severe bronchitis and lung problem, as inhaling too much of water vapour isn’t good for your lungs. There are certainly healthier ways to get high, but then we all know when a new term is coined among the naive people they come up with their own notions and belief. Every aspect comes with two phases positive and negative, it is upto us what we want to believe in.