1.He urinated into Hollywood's sexiest woman's drink when she tried to seduce him. The woman was Jayne Mansfield, and she was really...
1.He urinated into Hollywood's sexiest woman's drink when she tried to seduce him. The woman was Jayne Mansfield, and she was really coming on to him, one evening in November 1962. So much so that she had even pulled his hair, and asked him, 'Is it real?'
That had done it for Lennon. He urinated into her drink and saw her sip it too, after which she called the drink a "humdinger".
2.He was obsessed with the French actress Brigitte Bardot. He once even made his wife Cynthia look like her--he got her to bleach her hair blond and keep long curls.
3.T<strong>he first instrument he learnt to play was the accordion. Later he learnt the banjo, and then, as everybody knows, he learnt to play the guitar and the piano.
4.He once said The Beatles were more popular than Jesus. This comment had a lot of backlash, and America's entire southern belt started protesting against the Beetles' music, and their music was not played on the radio any more.
5.He quit music to become a stay-at-home dad. This was for a period of about half a decade, after his daughter with Yoko Ono was born, whom they named Sean Lennon. This was for a period of about half a decade, after his daughter with Yoko Ono was born, whom they called Sean.
6.He staged a bed-in with Yoko Ono the night of their honeymoon, promoting World Peace. The media came into their hotel room, expecting them to be having sex. It didn't really work out that way, but Lennon and Ono got a lot of press coverage regardless.
7.He hated the sound of his own voice. Talk about some irony!
8.He struggled with weight issues after a journalist called him "The fat Beetle". It was most likely a casual (but deliberate remark) in a newspaper article, but Lennon took it to heart.
9.He has written books. 3 books! The first one was called In His Own Write, the second one was A Spaniard in the Works. And the third and final book to be released was called Skywriting by Word of Mouth.
10.He starred in a movie called 'How I won the War'. It would be the only movie he ever starred in as an actor, and it was a black comedy.
11.He used to love cats. Over the course of his life, he had more than 17 of them. One of his cats was called Elvis, while another pair of white and black cats were called, respectively, Pepper and Salt.