He was a minister, a Poet, a Lover of words and freedom, a family man, a talented speaker, a seeker of truth and justice. He met every...
He was a minister, a Poet, a Lover of words and freedom, a family man, a talented speaker, a seeker of truth and justice. He met every challenge he faced, and by the time he went to the lord he was already an American Icon, he was Martin Luther King Jr.
No vocabulary really exists to describe what happened in San Francisco 50 years ago; like all spiritual visions, it took place in realms of the mind where conventions of words and logic were replaced by what seemed a newer, truer understanding of the world. The decade of the 60, in America was marked with great social changes. When you think of the 60 the hippies and the psychedelic lifestyles, the black civil rights movement, and music such as the British invasion come to mind. Integrate all these factors together and it forms the decade of the sixties in terms of society.
Later in the 60, factors influencing counterculture were tensions between the average citizen and all symbols of authority. There were also many tensions on key issues such as civil rights, women,' rights, abortion, gay rights, and more. An issue which affected hippie culture was also the atrocities of the Vietnam War, which hippies strongly opposed. Hippies especially opposed the draft into the Vietnam War, believing that the war was wrong and that innocent Americans shouldn’t be forced to fight if doing so was against their moral principles. The liberal work of activists such as Martin Luther King Junior also spurred the hippie movement because it inspired people to stand up for what they believed in and be free to speak their mind and be themselves. Additionally, many also say that the hippie movement was influenced by the assassination of John F. Kennedy, a popular president whose tragic death fuelled the political and social unrest of the time.
Being a Hippie Christian isn't how you dress or what you say as much as it is a total life style. To be a Hippie Christian requires an attitude of the heart that grows out of a personal encounter with the living Christ and overflows into your whole life. Jesus taught about peace and love. Jesus chose the outcasts, He loved the unlovely, and he reached out to the rejects. Jesus taught about getting back to the Garden, about having a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe.
Though the man died on that day but his legacy was on. He lives on the heart off those who are like minded, Christ followers, seeking true equality not the fraudulent equality that puts one above another but a truly color blind equality and one that values each person as a child of god. And as his children of gods ourselves we must do all we can to make sure his dream is upheld and his legacy is not forgotten. That we may too join on the triumph to set ourselves free at last, thank god we all are free at last.